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The Snow Emergency Parking Ban will be lifted at 9:00pm tonight, Feb. 6th.

Veterans Services

The mission of the City of Peabody Veterans Services Department is to assist veterans and their dependents by providing services that may include applying for benefits, both state and federal, helping in employment and under employment situations along with monetary support, if qualified under the State 115 benefit program. Services may also include help with applying for V.A. medical care and services.

Veteran Services Department is also responsible for all discharge records for the City of Peabody veterans. It is recommended that allveterans ensure that a copy of their DD214 is kept at this office if they apply for any future benefits.

Call (978) 538-5925 for an appointment if you are not able to visit during business hours. If you have any questions about VA benefits, please call (978) 538-5925.

  • To arrange for military funeral honors, contact your local funeral home. Direct access via phone and/or fax number is necessary for people who are doing the arrangements without the benefit of a funeral director. Contact the branch of service directly.

  • Air Force (781) 225-5900 Fax: (781) 377-3153
  • Army (774) 286-1915 Fax: (508) 233-6781
  • Coast Guard (617) 990-6249 Fax: (617) 223-3490
  • Marine Corps (866) 826-3628 Fax: (703) 784-9827
  • Navy (860) 694-3475 Fax: (860) 694-3699

  • Director Steve Patten
    978-538-5925 Email
  • Secretary Tammy Jones
    978-538-5928 Email

  • To Honor our late Veterans, Mayor Edward A. Bettencourt, Jr. and the Peabody Veterans Department invite the family of those heroes to present a flag in their loved one's memory which will be flown for one week at City Hall. This symbol of service will stand watch over a city that is forever grateful for their service. All Gave Some, Some Gave All!

  • Veterans 100th birthday Ted Lazarakis Local Hero and Purple Heart Recipient Ted Lazarakis celebrates his 100th birthday on September 2, 2017

  • Peabody's Disabled American Veterans present Honda North with a Certificate of Appreciation.

  • Mayor Bettencourt and Veterans Agent Steve Patten receive new veterans shuttle from Honda North Watch Video.

  • Federal VA Benefits Video